Gudani Tshivenḓabeta
Ndia ni funa
I love you
Ni khou ita mini?
What are you doing?
Ni na nnyi?
who are you with
Ndi khou humbela pfarelo
I am sorry
Ni na vhugai?
How much do you have?
Ndi vhu gai?
How much is it?
Ndi khou ṱamba
I am bathing
Ndi khou tamba
I am playing
Ndi na nḓala
I am hungry
Ndi khou lwala
I am sick
Ndo ḓa u dala
I came to visit
Ndi khou ṱuwa
I am leaving
Nia zwifha
You are lying
Ndi amba Tshivenda
I speak Tshivenda
A thi koni u amba Tshivenda
I cannot speak Tshivenda
Ndi khou edela
I am sleeping
Ndi khou awela
I am resting
Athi ḓivhi
I dont know
Ndi khou humbela u shumisa nnḓu thukhu
May please use the toilet?
Ndi khou humbela u shumisa bunga
May I please use the toilet?
Ndo ni ṱuvha
I miss you
Ni khou nukha
You smell bad
A thi ni funi
I do not love you
Ni wa ndeme kha nṋe
You are important to me
Ni wa ndeme kha nṋe
You mean a lot to me
Ndi khou bika
I am cooking
Ndo livhuwa
Thank you
Ndo livhuwa
Ni doḽa mini?
What will you eat?
Ndo ni lindela
I am waiting for you
Ni vhuye matshelo
Come back tomorrow
Ni khou nukhelela
You smell nice
Ni a ofhisa
You are scary
Ndo farwa mboho
I was robbed
Ndi khou livhuwesa Lufuno lwanu
I am very thankful for your love.
Ni khou amba nga ha mini zwino?
What are you talking about now?
Ndi khou i funa
I am loving it
Ndi mueni
I am a visitor
Mavhengele a nga gai?
Where are shops?
A ni na ndavha
You dont care
A thi na ndavha
I dont care
Ndo vhuya
I am back
Will u marry me?
Ni ḓo mmala?
Ndi ramabindu
I am a businessman
Ndi khou toḓa garatshi
I am looking for a garage
Sibadela tsha tsinisa tshi ngafhi?
Where is the nearest hospital?
Vhidzani mapholisa
Call the cops
Ndi bva Soweto
I am from Soweto
Ndi na ḓora
I am thirsty
Ari ṱuwe
Lets go
Ndi khou guda
I am learning
Ri do ṱuwa nga matsheloni namusi
we will leave early today
A huna thaidzo
There is no problem
Ndi khou ṅwala
I am writing
Ndi khou shuma
I am working
Ndi ḓo swika u lenga
I am going to arrive late
A thina muya
I do not have airtime
Ndi ḓo ni vhudza
I will tell you
No naka
You look beautiful
Ni nnetisa
You make me tired
Ari ṱuwe ri ye u ḽa
let us go and eat
Zwa lufuno nga murahu
later about love
Ndi a ni funa nga maanḓa
I love you so much
Ndi khou humbela uri ni fhindule luṱingo lwaṋu
Please answer your phone
Ndi ḓo eḓela ndi tshi swika hayani
i will sleep when i get home
Ndi khou ṱoda u eḓela
i want to sleep
Renda Mudzimu muya wanga
bless the Lord my soul
Seasons of the year
Ndo neta
I am tired
Muthu ndi muthu nga vhathu
A person is a person through others
Ene ndi a mu funa
I love you
Ene u a mpfuna?
Do you love me?
Duvha ḽa mabelo ḽa we ndi lini?
when is your birthday?
A ri ḽe
Lets eat
Ndo livhuwa nga maanḓa
Thank you very much
No ṱwa hani?
how was your day?
Ḓuvha ḽanga ḽo vha ḽavhuḓi
My day was good
Ndi Ḓuvha ḽanga ḽa mabebo
It is my birthday
Ndi a ni vhenga
I hate you
Mufunwa wanga
My love / My lover
Munna wanga
My man
Mudzimu ndi wa vhudi tshifhinga tshoṱhe
God is good all the time
Ndi a funa vhananga
I love my kids
Mufunwa waṋu u ngafhi?
Where is your lover?
Mufarekano waṋu u ngafhi?
Where is your concubine?
Ḓuvha ḽa vhuḓi ḽa mabebo
Happy birthday
Ni ri mini?
What are you saying?
Vha ri mini?
What are you saying?
Ndi kerekeni
I am at church
Ni ḓo eḓela tshinga ḓe?
What time are you sleeping?
Khaladzi aṋu o vuwa hani?
How is your sister?
Murathu waṋu o vuwa hani?
How is your sister?
Mukomana waṋu o vuwa hani?
How is your sister?
Hayani ha hashu
My home
Ni vha lumelise
Greet them
Ni shume zwavhuḓi
Work well
Mafhungo a vhuḓi
Good news
Maipfi a tevhelaho
Following words
A nga sivhe na vhuṱanzi
You can never be sure
Lini na lini
Forever and ever
Ni ḓe matshelo
Come tomorrow
A si zwavhuḓi
It is not good
Ndi a mu funa
I love him
Ndi a mu funa
I love her
Ndi a mu funa
I love you
Nga maanḓa
So much
Ndi khou ya tshikoloni
I am going to school
Musadzi wanga
My wife
U vhavhalela
Feel pity for
Ndo takala nga maanḓa
I am very happy
Ndo takalesa
I am too happy
Ni a mpengisa
You drive me crazy
Ndi khou vhona thiivii
I am watching television
Athi pfesesi
I do not understand
Ni khou bika mini?
What are you cooking?
Ndi mukomana waṋu
I am your brother
Ndi murathu waṋu
I am your brother
Khaladzi awe
her brother
Khonani dzaṋu
Your friends
Ndi ḓo vhuya
I'll be back'
Ndi nga ntsola
You can gossip about me
Ha toḓi
She doesn't want
Khaladzi anga u khou ṱamba
My sister is bathing
Mukomana wanga u khou ṱamba
My sister is bathing
Murathu wanga u khou ṱamba
My sister is bathing
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